Justice, Equity & Inclusion
SELE can help your organizational goals for Environmental Social Governance (ESG):
•Leverage valuable human and land resources to accelerate the rollout of renewable energy, justice, equity and inclusion
•Expert trades(wo)men benefit from being trained in the latest technologies to bring their eager diligence to project success
•Raise the bar in disadvantaged communities as experts go back and educate others, snowballing into raising the community’s economy
•Leverage vacant land or upgrade vacant buildings – the Sun shines equally in all neighborhoods (given latitude and shading!)
•Build community and inclusion to rally around renewable energy & energy efficiency – a unifying, productive focus keeps trouble at bay!
Reliability & Professionalism
The vibrant renewable energy opportunities created by the U.S. government incentives, unfortunately create a breeding ground for opportunists to obfuscate, make an unfair profit at your expense, or perform sub-par work or give you a sub-par solution!
SELE can help educate you and your organization. Accurate knowledge is the best weapon to freeze out the ill-motivated!
Innovative Business Models
Solar financing typically comprises
loans, leases, PPAs. Unethical
financiers may charge up to 30%
origination fees that get rolled up
into the principal, not the interest. SELE can help you explore alternatives that present a win-win situation for all stakeholders at a subsidized cost of ownership.
The lion’s share of mono and poly
crystalline Si for Si cell manufacturing is sourced from China. SELE can help navigate global markets to identify cost effective suppliers in U.S. friendly countries.
Like what you see? Get in touch to start your sustainability journey.
We believe in long term partnerships with our customers.
Reach out to us to set up a Free 30 min Intro Sync.
+1(248)975-7353; info@selesolutions.com