Sustainability Finance 101: Effects of sustainability related risks and opportunities on financial position, financial performance and cash flow.
In the last Sustainability & Sustainable Financial Success 101 post we discussed Transition Planning to Respond to Climate Risks & Opportunities. In this post we’ll discuss the questions your business needs to be asking, to assess the effects of climate and other sustainability-related risks and opportunities on your business’ financial position and performance and the effects on cash flow.
· How have past disruptions due to climate events affected your financial position, financial performance and cash flow?
· Did your business need to make any material adjustments to carrying amounts of assets and liabilities?
· What are the anticipated financial effects of continued sustainability-related risks and opportunities in the near-, mid- and long-term?
· What is your planned strategy to manage the anticipated effects?
· Do you intend to change this strategy based on extenuating circumstances?
· What types of events could trigger such changes and how will urgent decisions be made?
· What are the planned sources of funding that your business has lined up to implement the currently planned strategy and potential updates?
· Considering the planned strategy/updates, what are your business’ investment plans?
· Considering the planned strategy/updates, what are your business’ disposal plans?
SELE Solutions can help your business answer the above questions and make meaningful progress in addressing the impacts of sustainability-related risks and opportunities on your business’ financials. Time is running out. Reach out to SELE Solutions to get kick-started on your journey to sustainable development.; +1(248)975.7353;